Risk Management for NYSWYSA Coaching Courses

Risk Management / Background Check Requirement:

Before going any further, please be sure you have a valid risk management status from NYSWYSA or any US Youth Soccer state association (I.E. ENY, EPA, PAW, etc.) and read the directions below. 

Coaches will “NOT” be permitted into a NYSWYSA coaching course without a valid background check administered through an APPROVED USYS state association risk management process.

The NYSWYSA risk management process includes a background check (Typically 3-5 days for approval), SafeSport Training (2.5 Hours for Core Training or 15-20 mins for Refresher – Dependent on previous completion) and USSF Intro to Safety (15-20 mins).  Make sure to take these time frames into consideration when registering for the course. 

  • If you are currently coaching with a NYSWYSA club, please contact your club registrar or risk management coordinator to obtain instructions on applying for or updating your risk management credentials.
  • If you are not currently coaching with a NYSWYSA club and/or live outside the NYSWYSA region, please email riskmanagement@nyswysa.org and request instructions to apply for an risk management processing.  Include details regarding the course you are registering for including proof or any risk management status you hold with another association. The risk management registration link and user instructions will be provided upon request.

We highly recommend that candidates obtain a valid risk management status approved by NYSWYSA prior to registering for a course. While candidates will not be prevented from registering for a course without risk management clearance, they will be placed on a waiting list. Wait-listed candidates are not guaranteed a place in the course until proof of clearance is provided. Courses will be closed out once the maximum class limit has been reached. Candidates with risk management clearance take precedent over wait-listed candidates. (I.E. It is possible for a wait listed candidate whose risk management status is pending to be closed out of a course while they are waiting for clearance).