2007 AGM Reports

Saturday, November 17, 2007

A Welcome & Introductions

B Order of Business: 

    1. Credentials Report
    2. Approval of Agenda
    3. Approval of Minutes of the preceding AGM *
    4. Reports of Officers
      1. President -- Michael Radecke
        1. Report of the President *
        2. Report on USSF Policy 531.8 *
      2. First Vice President -- Rich Wagner
        1. State Cup *
      3. Second Vice President -- Matt Dimas
        1. Adjudication *
    5. Reports
      1. State Director of Coaching * -- Glen Buckley
        1. Associate Directors of Coaching
      2. ODP Administrator * -- Millie Blaakman
      3. Registration & Data Base/Website Management * -- Tim Mellander
      4. TOPSoccer * -- Teresa Doermer
      5. State Office * -- Dan Watson
      6. State Youth Referee Administrator * -- Bill Campbell
    6. Unfinished Business
    7. New Business
    8. Good and Welfare
    9. Adjournment


    * Reports are linked items in agenda