2015 Board of Directors

President - Rich Wagner/Curt Regruit
Rich Wagner - resigned in August 2015 to assume a position with US Youth Soccer Region I, Curt was appointed by BOD to fill the remainder of the term.
Curt Regruit was elected in November 2015 to a new two year term as President (expires November 2017).
1st Vice President - Curt Regruit/Hugh Goodridge
With the resignation of Rich Wagner and Curt Regruit moving from 1st VP to President, the BOD appointed Hugh Goodridge to fill the remainder of Curt Regruit's term. (expires November 2016).
2nd Vice President - Mark Cornfield
Mark Cornfield was re-elected at the 2015 AGM to another 2 year term (expires November 2017).
Treasurer - Susan Gruak/Lee Wilson
Susan Gurak - resigned in Ocotber 2015 to assume a postion with RDYSL. The BOD appointed Lee Wilson to fill the remainder of Susan Gurak's term (expires November 2016).
Secretary - Hugh Goodridge/Chris Pacilio
With the resignation of Rich Wagner as president and the board appointment of Hugh Goodridge as 1st VP, Chris Pacilio was appointed as the secretary to fill the remainder of the term.
Chris Pacilio was elected in November 2015 to a new two year term as Secretary (expires Nomber 2017).
Executive Director - Amy Gush
Assistant Director/State Registrar - Tim Mellander
Director of Coaching/ODP - Dean Foti
Buffalo Commissioner - Dave Stephan
Binghamton Commissioner - Kevin Arnold
Rochester Commissioner - Roger Best
Syracuse Commissioner - Peter Launtensack
Southern Tier Commissioner - Kim Mehta (resigned in July 2015 as she moved out of state). Jim Enser was appointed to fill the remainder of Kim's term in December of 2015.
Twin Tiers Commissioner - Nikki Dye
TOPSoccer - Scot Boniface
Recreational Soccer - Chris Pacilio/Open