20th Anniversary Wallpaper

Join in the 20th anniversary celebration of NYSWYSA by downloading this special wallpaper for your computer desktop!


  1. Find out how big your screen is. Shrink your browser window and click with the right mouse button on an empty piece of desktop. A pop-up menu should appear. Select 'Properties'. A box will appear with tabs across the top. Select the 'Settings' tab and on the right-hand side of the box, it should say 'Desktop Area' and tell you how big your screen is.

  2. Go back to the Gallery webpage. Click on the link that is the same size as your screen. For screens bigger than 1024x768 use the 1024x768 option. The picture should now load in your browser.

  3. Click on the picture with your right mouse button and a menu will appear. Select the 'Set As Wallpaper' option.