NYSWYSA Suspensions List

List of NYSW Suspended Individuals

NYSW relies on the soccer community to inform the Adjudication Chairman of suspensions. Clubs and leagues knowingly allowing participation of a suspended individual will be placed in bad standing. A club or team placed in bad standing will be ineligible to participate in any NYSWYSA, US Youth Soccer or USSF activity.
The following information is a result of NYSWYSA Adjudication activities:
Name:  Shelby Garigen
Position:  Coach
Suspension:  From all USSF activities
Length of Suspension:  Lifetime
Name:  Aaron Kujawa
Positon:  Coach
Suspension:  From all USSF activites
Length of Suspension:  Lifetime
Name:  Stephen Malaney
Position: Referee
Suspension:  All US Youth Soccer activities
Length of Suspension:  Lifetime
Name:  Saad Mohamed
Position:  Referee
Suspension:  From all USSF activities
Length of Suspension:  Lifetime
Name: Vincenzo Scaruto
Position: Referee
Suspension: From all USSF activities
Length of Suspension: Lifetime